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July 15, 2020
Owner to Owner

Meet Bowden Kelly, Partner & Head of Product

Meet Bowden Kelly, Partner & Head of Product.

What is it you do at ORO?
I keep our product team humming —working with our designers and developers to deliver a top-notch experience for all our users! If there is a new feature to build, I am the first one to dive in and figure out how we are going to make it happen.

Tell us more about your background:
I’m originally from Houston, Texas and have a Computer Science degree from Georgia Tech. After four years at Microsoft, Katherine approached me about working with her to create ORO. Having several friends in the event space, I knew this would be a perfect fit.

You have attended numerous memorable parties and events over the years; what would you say is your most favorite event ever attended? Did it have a specific theme?
My favorite event ever attended was a black-tie NYE party in Seattle, WA. Everyone was dressed to the nines, there was a giant dance floor, and a 10-piece band that played the whole night.

Most favorite place you’ve travelled:
Venice, Italy! I really like that there were no cars … anywhere. The only way to get around is to walk, which seems to slow everything down. No one is in a hurry and everyone is willing to stop and have a conversation. It was a refreshing change of pace.

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