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April 21, 2020
Owner to Owner

Influences of Spain

As we practice social distancing while the weather becomes more pleasant, it’s hard not to think what could have been. What would you have been gearing up for; destination weddings for your clients, a family reunion, a loved one’s graduation, or a work trip to a new country “across the pond” as I like to say? I find it uplifting to think about such trips and continue to look forward to what’s to come, even if plans are postponed until 2021.

Despite my positivity, it is a little personally saddening to hear about the reports from Spain, which was one of the hardest hit countries. This is where I learned to love mussels, vermouth and when to just say, Seguro lo intentaré (sure I’ll try it)! It’s also where I got engaged and learned how difficult and rigorous it is to dance Flamenco.

Giving me hope however, are the social media posts of Spaniards trying to live their lives as best they can while making others happy simultaneously. Posts that include the police in Mallorca (Majorca) singing, dancing and playing instruments to the residents as they patrol the streets during community isolation. DJ’s and famous Spanish singers playing live concerts from their balcony to surrounding apartments.

These musical moments, along with so many others around the world, are incredibly uplifting and remind me of the importance of how music can bring everyone together in any situation! Now more than ever, it’s evident that interactive and musical entertainment can make a BIG impact. Seeing the camaraderie from Spain has specifically inspired me to try incorporating unique forms of cultural entertainment, foods, and décor for events to come.

During this time, challenge yourself to reminisce and really enjoy the memories you’ve created both personally and professionally and those you want to create in the future! How can what we are experiencing now, creatively and positively impact the way you design your next event? Everyone, keep playing your instruments, make those sweet tunes and let the creativity and imagination run wild.  

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