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April 29, 2020
Owner to Owner

Be the Difference: Lead to Inspire

I am sure you have heard the phrase, “There are leaders and then there are those who lead,” or some iteration of this at some point in your life. It could have been while playing sports as a teenager, during a lecture from a college professor, or even from a keynote speaker. This notion rings true as we are currently asking many different people to lead us through these unprecedented times and in turn are looking at ourselves to be able to lead our own families, employees, and clients. How we currently live and operate makes me look at the past and more importantly what will be the future.

Will it eventually be business as usual? Will clients be looking for the same services? What can I do now to be best equipped for the future? Asking yourself these questions in order to engineer the outcome from the beginning is challenging. But, having to examine a problem as it arises and then hoping to figure out the best solution, may be worse. No one could have predicted the extent to which the last few months has changed everyone’s lives, but looking forward and creating action, rather than continuous reaction, will guide those around you to follow your lead.

We can become concerned and often overwhelmed with the perception of ourselves and our business, and soon begin to question the tactics and methods being used to lead those around us. I know this rings true for me while planning large, high profile events. However, try not to get hung up on whether you are leading differently, guiding your staff or clients differently; inspiring leaders forge their own path and often act the opposite of their counterparts. This, I believe, is the difference between a leader and those who lead.

True authenticity, regardless if it is different will shine through and be noticed. Authenticity is always respected, thus creating inspiration and loyalty. Getting buy-in from those around you, especially clients, is the end goal. If you have a vision, do not be afraid of what you are doing to get there. Will the client think you have gone off the deep end with some overly creative concept or new idea? Possibly, but lead them to see your vision and the end goal. You know what you are trying to build, create the belief in your clients (and employees) by leading with your most authentic self.

It has been said that great leaders do not really need to create motivation, because they inspire those around them to act on their own. I believe this! You as an employee or owner, community member or even end-client yourself can be motivated enough to reach the conclusion of any task, but why did you start in the first place? What or who is driving you to even care? Being able to inspire is what makes great “leaders” stand apart from the rest. Not because of some unique experience, connection, or wealth, but making an impact that is not easily replicable.

“Motivation is when you get a hold of an idea and carry it through to its conclusion, and inspiration is when an idea gets hold of you and carries you where you are intended to go.” Dr. Wayne Dyer

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